Looking for insurance? We’ve got you covered

Our range of solutions ensures  that you protect what matters most.

Short term insurance

Choose the non-life insurance cover that you need - whatever it is, it will protect you!

Car Insurance

We’ve made car insurance easy to get, easy to use, and even more affordable.

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Building Insurance

Your home is your most prized possession – Let us help you protect it.

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Portable Possessions

Protect the items that you carry with you when you leave your home.

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Contents Insurance

Protect your belongings and valuables in your home.

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Legal Insurance

Legal protection for when you need it the most.

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Pet Insurance

Protect your loved ones with Absa Pet Insure.

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Travel Insurance

Get protected from unexpected incidents or losses when you travel. 
By Bryte Insurance Company Limited

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Medical Gap cover

Get protected from unexpected medical costs or when paying for medical expenses.

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Provided by Absa Insurance Company Limited

Life and Funeral Cover

Select which insurance offers you want to find out more about.

Funeral Cover

Family is everything. Cover yourself and your family to ensure that you have a dignified and memorable farewell when the time comes.


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Instant Life Cover

Secure your family's financial future with  up to R6 million Life, Disability and critical illness cover with Absa Instant Life.

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Health Assistance Cover

Health Assistance protects you and your family against unexpected financial loss due to hospitalisation.

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Credit Protection Plan

Alleviate your family's financial burden if anything happens to you.


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Provided by Absa Life Limited

We have a dedicated team to help meet your needs.

Absa Insurance Company

Let us take care of your insurance needs and give you peace of mind by offering you sound insurance products, from car, building and contents, to portable possessions.

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Absa Life Limited

You can count on Absa Life Limited to help in those unexpected situations when you can no longer care for your loved ones. Secure your loved ones’ future with us.

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Absa Insurance Company Limited, an insurer licensed to conduct non-life insurance business and an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 8030). Registration number 2000/025898/06. Terms and conditions apply.

Absa Life Limited is an insurer licensed to conduct life insurance business (I121). Registration number 1992/001738/06. 

Instant Life (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 42569). Reg No 2007/032320/07. Terms and conditions apply.